Audience Insights on Facebook – A Complete Guide

Audience Insights on Facebook helps you to learn and understand your target audience.

Audience Insights helps you become familiar with the important people in your business to understand what is important to them. You can learn about their location, behavior, interests, and more. This tool allows you to create beneficial posts on Facebook to promote your business.

Target Audience – Background

As we explained to you in one of our posts that important right audience for your business, the main reason that the target audiences are those customers or your potential customers and there are very likely to be to your customers and purchase your products and services.

How to use Facebook Audience Insights?

First, to use Audience Insights, you should enter one of the following ways:

  1. If you use a private ad account – click on “Ad Manager” at the top menu and then the “planning” click on “Audience Insights”, or at the following link.
  2. If you use a business ad account (Business Manager) – Click on the “Ad Manager” at the top menu and then the “planning” click on “Audience Insights”, or at the following link.

If you are entering for the first time, Facebook will offer you to choose between everyone on Facebook, people connected to your page or a custom audience, for now, choose the first option, “everyone on Facebook.” Once you enter, you will see the usage.

Audience Insights on Facebook
Audience Insights on Facebook

1. Set your target audience

On the left (if you are using Facebook in English), you will see a column where you can create your own customized audience and set it by location, age, gender, interests, pages and more, here’s an explanation:


Enter the geographical location of your target market (country, region, and a city of residence). For example, if the target is in California, enter it.


Set a minimum age and maximum age, or leave blank if you do not need to change the age. Fit the most optimal age for you, if you offer a bachelor’s degree learning, you may prefer aged 20-30 or so (of course this is just an example).


Select your target market, men, women, or all. For example, if you sell women’s clothing and that is what interests you, you can set up only for women, to learn better about them on Facebook.


Definition of interest is very broad and may include a number of options to you. Interests are all things that your target audience might be interested in. For example, if you offer a capital market trading course, news of economy, capital markets, finance and so on may be the interests of your target audience.

Once you click on the field “Interests” you can use the option in two ways. The first way is to type in the subject, a second way is to choose on the open menu with extensive options such as food, entertainment, technology, business and industry, sports and more. If you click on the item itself, subsection opens with all the topics under that specific section. For example, if you click on “Business and Industry”, will be opened to you sub-sections such as Internet, construction, banking, real estate and more.

Next to each section and sub-section (and sometimes sub-sub-section) has the + sign, as soon as you click it, the system will select the section/subsection. If you choose eg Business and Industry section, you turn audiences interested in all business and industry, if you choose a banking, you can see just banking.

Connections – pages

In this section, you can choose the people that are connected to your business page or the people who are not connected to your business page. You can click on the field or enter the name of the page, or choose from the menu that appears.


This is part of advanced settings to characterize your target audience. This characteristic can be according to the following parameters:

  • Behavior: You can set the audience by his behavior, such as travel, digital activity, and other foreign residents.
  • Language: Set language of the user.
  • Relationship status.
  • Education: High school, college or grad school.
  • Work: Job titles and a role and by a home office, corporate.
  • Financial: Income and net worth (now mostly in the United States).
  • Home: home / apartment, homeowners / renters, and home value.
  • Market Segments: ethnicity, generation, household composition and more.
  • Parents: Set by all parents, expecting a baby and so on.
  • Politics (United States).
  • Life Events: away from family, a new relationship, upcoming birthday and more.
  • Device owners.

Once you have defined your target audience most suitable for you, you can move to the next level. Please note that the more fields you use (for example, gender and age and location) more filters you target audience and it will be smaller. As the same field, you are going to increase the range and quantity, you will increase the amount of your target audience.

2. The comparison and detection target audience – who are on Facebook

Now as soon as you set, in the central part and the bottom of the page you will see charts, graphs, data and percent. In this section, you will see 2 main colors:

  • Blue – This is the chosen target audience.
  • Gray – This is a general audience of all Facebook users in that country of your target audience.

In this section, you can see a comparison of your target audience and the audience of all the users in that country of your target audience, you can compare data and draw conclusions. You can segment the target audience according to the settings you made in the previous step. For example, if you chose in the previous section “California” You can see that in California aged 25-34 are more than the national average.

If you click on one of the graphs, for example, men aged 25-34, now the definition of your target audience will be changed and you can segment this audience. You can deselect again in the previous section.

3. Knowing your target audience

In this section, you can get to know more closely to your target audience. At the top you will see tabs, as soon as you click on each tab, you will see the data of the other part, and you can even compare and understand, here are the options:


There is no need to click on the demographics of the reason that it is part of the default, you can see a comparison of demographic data among your target audience and the general public and that country: age, gender, relationship, lifestyle and more.

Page Likes

Which the business pages your target audience like and this in categories such as a government entity, a TV, a public figure, and more. Also, you can see all the Facebook pages are likely to be relevant to your target audience.


Understand your target audience by where they live: Top cities, states or even by leading language they understand and speak.


In this tab, you can understand and see two main things: Frequency of activities and Device Users.

  • The frequency of activities – how your target audience uses Facebook and the number of times they perform operations such as comments, posts liked, posts shared, promotions redeemed, ads clicked, and page liked.
  • Device Users – How selected audience used Facebook in the last 30 days: computer, iPhone, iPad, Android and more.

Household (United States)

In this tab, you will see data such as household income, home ownership, household size, home market value, methods of payment and expenses and more. All of these comparative data between your chosen audience and the general public in that country and segmented according to the range and numbers.

Purchase (United States)

In this tab, you will see all online purchases of your target audience, retail spending and purchase behavior according to the type and nature of the products.

4. Save audience and Finish

At the top and under the main menu you will see your ad account number with your name (private) or business (business manager) and near, you will see several options:

  • Create new – creating a new target audience.
  • Open – Open saved target audience for review and editing.
  • Save – Save the currently chosen target.
  • Create ad – Creating an ad directly with this target audience.


We recommend that you keep your target audience before taking other actions in order that the data are not lost and so that you can return to it again. Also, give the most appropriate name for the target audience so that you know to recognize it next time.

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