Set Up A Facebook Business Page – Complete Guide

Facebook business page lets you create a social network presence to connect with customers, market yourself and even to post a promotional ad. Let’s learn how to set up a business page on Facebook.

How to create a business page on Facebook?

First of all, there are two ways to create page:

  • Create a new page.
  • Converting private profile to the business page  – if you have a private profile, you can make it to the business.

Page type:

Second, you must create a business page, and you can do it directly from the main page or other few places (do not worry we’ll put a link at the end of the article). You will have the option to create the following pages:

  • Local Business or Place – suited to local businesses, a pizzeria, a local shop, school and more.
  • Company, Organization or Institution – suitable for companies and organizations that market the entire organization rather than locally. Such as banks, company news and more.
  • Brand or Product – if you have a number of distinctive products or brands they can establish some of this page.
  • Artist, Band or Public figure – here is quite clear is suitable for singers, public figure and so on.
  • Entertainment – a book, a movie, a channel, and so on.
  • Cause or Community – page for other purposes.

Identifying information:

After selecting the page you want to create, now you need to provide information about the page itself, do not worry when it established the page, you can change that information. Facebook asking: Name – can be your business name or another name that people might search to find it. Local Businesses: street, city, zip code and phone.

Preliminary details (we will expand in the next section):

After click on “Get started” you must add the following:

  • Short paragraph – let people know what the page is about.
  • Link – a link to the site or social network.
  • Username – a unique address for the page.
  • Profile picture – for the page.
  • Audience Favorite – defined target audience for the page.

Business Page Settings

Congratulations! Your business page is created. Now, let’s define the top and match it for you.

Setting the front page:

Profile picture

Your profile image can be your company’s logo, sign, image or character in case of personal or anything else that suits you, it’s size 170 * 170 (as of this moment, Facebook changes all the time) on desktops and 128 * 128 smartphones.

Remember that your profile picture serves you well in every post and every comment and sub-response, which means she may be very small, you sure about your special colors to make it possible to identify you.

Cover picture

This cover image at the top of the page, and it marks the ambiance of the page and you. You can add your own staff or another image that will attract the audience to follow you. His size 820 * 312 (this changes also too often) desktop computers and 640 * 360 smartphones.

CTA Button

Add a call to action button, a very important marketing tool to propel your followers to do something you want. There are a number of calls to action: Book now, call now, contact us, donate, send a message, use an app, play game, shop now, sign up, watch the video, send email, learn more.

Setting tab “About” – update

Facebook recently changed the tab “About”, divided it into areas. It is our example:


You can change the category of your page (a local business, company, organization, etc.).


Your page name is your business name, brand or another name that people might find it easier and recognize it.


You can create a username it will serve you as a custom address, tags, contact via Messenger and more. If this section is not available to you, you must accumulate 25 followers and then you can choose your username.

Start Date

When to book your business or organization: created, founded, started, opened etc.


If you are a local business, it is very important to set up the exact location of your business address/street, city/town, and zip code. After you receive a map, if the cursor is in the wrong place, you can drag it to a precise location.

Business hours

Set up your business hours, it is critical for local businesses. You can set: If it is always open, not available or open certain days and times.

Short description

Write a short description for your page, a short description appears in the main tab with your posts.


In most countries it is not required, some businesses are required by law to include a statement of ownership on their web presence, if you do not understand – you do not need to fill.

Long Description

This section will provide a longer description for your page,


Fill out the mission of your business, its target, why is created.


Add the award or your products.


Add your business phone, will be used for receiving calls of users on the business.


If you receive information by e-mail, you can add it here.


Add your website or a social network link if you have.

Privacy Policy

Add a link to the privacy policy at your site.

Accounts of other social networks

Add the accounts of your other social networks – Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram (you can not add a Google+).

Advanced settings

Click on the “Settings” button to begin the advanced settings. There are several categories on the definition. for example:

General Category

  • Favorites – Add to favorites on the main page of Facebook.
  • Visibility – Publish or unpublish page.
  • Visitors posts – Enable or disable the publication by visitors. Enabling them and do check them before publication.
  • Review – Allow or disable reviews – It is recommended to allow.
  • Audience Entries visibility – If you want to post on the page that not everyone will be able to see, allow it.
  • Messages – Enable or disable sending a message and a button “Message”.
  • Tagging – allows users to tag in a photo or video uploaded by you.
  • Page tagging by other people or pages.
  • Country Restrictions – you can disable access to certain countries.
  • Age Restrictions – if your product does not fit a certain age, you must add it here.
  • Page Moderation – blocked publications or comments that contain certain words that you want.
  • Assaults, profanity filtering – is another option to filter offensive words.
  • Similar Page Suggestions – is recommended to check this part to increase the capacity of the page to appear elsewhere.
  • Post in Multiple Languages – If you’re an advertiser’s selection criteria should be marked in some part of it.
  • Comments – What first appears, recent comments or relevant.
  • Content Distribution – This section must be marked to prohibit downloading your content by users.
  • Download Page – receiving a copy of the posts, photos and videos.
  • Merge pages – you can merge your management pages with identical names represent the same, including the same address.
  • Remove page – Delete the page.

Category Messaging

In this section, you can configure the messages on the page. You can set an automatic message sent as soon as a user sends you a message in Messenger. Also, you can show them a welcome message as soon as they click on “Post”.

Category Edit Page

This section is designed to manage your page’s tabs and the theme of the page. This template Facebook added a new part. The purpose of templates to define the buttons and tabs as your default. The themes are available:

  • Standard – Good for all Page types, with buttons and tabs to help showcase what’s important to you.
  • Shopping – Designed to showcase products and make it easy for people to shop online.
  • Venues – Designed so you can highlight useful info like your venue’s hours, location, and upcoming events.
  • Gaming – Designed to showcase Games, including a tab for Groups where people can find other fans.
  • Politicians – Designed to help politicians reach their supporters and communicate their message.
  • Professional services – Designed to help people find your services and get in touch.
  • Restaurants and Cafes – Designed to highlight photos and important info about your menu, hours and location.

You can also choose whether you want default tabs, edit, and rearrange if you want posts to be before images and so on. In addition, this section you can add a new tab that appears.

Category – Post Attribution

As someone who you want to advertise the posts on the page. Usually, it is recommended to keep the publication as a page rather than the manager.


Set alerts you want to receive email, phone or Facebook.

Page Roles

This section is designed to allow different positions on the page. Assign new roles, edit and remove roles from the post.

Admin – Can manage all aspects of the Page. They can: send messages and publish as the Page, respond to and delete comments on the Page, create ads, see which admin created a post or comment, view insights, respond to and delete Instagram comments from the Page, edit Instagram account details from the Page and assign Page roles.

Editor – Can send messages and publish as the Page, respond to and delete comments on the Page, create ads, see which admin created a post or comment, view insights, respond to and delete Instagram comments from the Page and edit Instagram account details from the Page.

Moderator – Can send messages as the Page, respond to and delete comments on the Page, create ads, see which admin created a post or comment, view insights and respond to Instagram comments from the Page.

Advertiser – Can see which admin created a post or comment, create ads and view insights.

Analyst – Can see which admin created a post or comment and view insights.

People and other pages

Here you can see people and others pages who like your page. You can assign roles page, remove from page likes and ban from the page.

Preferred Page Audience

Designed to make the audience favorite page to reflect who you want to connect with him. You can configure as:

  • Location – to include or exclude people Everyone in this position, people who live in this location, people who were recently at this location, people who travel to this location.
  • Age – minimum and maximum age of the people.
  • Gender – men, women.
  • Interests – interests of the public with whom they would most like to connect.
  • Languages – language targeting.


You can manage your connected apps. Add, edit or delete.


Link your Instagram account to your business page. For the purpose of creating ads.


Items you liked – these pages you follow them by your page. The favorite items appear on the side of the main page.

Page owners – you can add page owners to the “About”.


Crossposting is a way to share videos across multiple Pages. Crossposting can only happen between Pages that have added each other.


Good.. Now after we have defined the page right, begins the most important part: social media marketing – advertising, marketing, and management business page.

First, invited to join the followers they the target audience of the page. If the page is for your local business, invite an audience of your business, avoid inviting friends, family, and others irrelevant people. It’s a nice to add family and friends to like your page, but it does not really help you unless they are your target audience.

Second, begin to publish, blog entries, photos, videos, and links. Do not try to sell always, post helpful information for your target audience.


1 Comment
  1. This Netolink is nice and is good and easier to use for any business tycoon social media marketing dealers

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