25 Ways to Increase Likes in the Business Facebook Page

Facebook business page is an excellent marketing tool for businesses, individuals, and organizations that can help you connect with your target audience. While your publishing will reach to a small percentage of those people who you like the business page, yet it is important to increase (grow) the amount likes in the page.

Recall, Facebook is the largest social media network in the world, with a large number of users, it is likely that your target audience is there. Target audience, they are your potential customers and interested that may purchase your products and services. With a business page on Facebook, you can post articles, news, information, advertising, marketing messages, and more.

Facebook business pages have more goals, such as adding contact details, contact, etc. But, the more important part is to let them know that you have a business page to be able to join him. You can also read our article: How social media marketing helps to promote your brand. It is important to remember that if you do not already have a business page on Facebook, First, you must create it and set it up. And then you can begin to add your target audience.

It is important to note that there is no need to invite people or friends who are not your target audience, for the reason that the number of likes itself does not help you at all. Who that liked, should be interested in your product and not just people, friends and family. Anyway, here are 25 ways to maximize your business page likes:

1. Add the page to personal profile

Quite a few times we noticed that some business owners who have a business page on Facebook, but they do not link their own account to an official business page, but to a page created by Facebook. Worse than that you do not associate a business page with the personal profile. Currently, if you setup “public” to your work, then your job location will also appear on your profile under your profile picture. This is a great place to show to others, so they can enter to join.

In your personal profile tab “About” under to the “Work and Education”, you can specify that you are currently working in your company and when you start to write your business name, your business page appears, select it and maintained.

2. Invitation of friends to like the page

In the sidebar on the business page, you’ll see the option to invite your friends to like your business page. Once you click the link, you can invite your friends to your like it. When you click, your friends will receive a notification that says you are inviting them to like your page after they click on the notification, they will come to your page and can click on “Like”.

3. Recommendation on your page to friends

If you invite your friends to like your page, not everyone will like it, and you can not invite them again to like the page. In some pages, it is possible to recommend the business page to your friends, just below the invitation to like the page. This is an excellent tool to inform your friends that still do not like.

When you click the link, you’ll see a panel where you can send invitations to friends as a message. You can type in their name, add a message, and you will have the option to send them through a message and through notification.

4. Request your friends to invite friends and other contacts

Another great way is to ask your friends to invite their friends or their contacts, and it really just like the way 2 up here. They also will have the possibility to invite their contacts. Ask members to invite people who might be interested in your products and services so that you can increase an amount of likes.

5. Request your friends to recommend the page to friends

As a way to number 3, your friends also have the option of recommending your page for members and their contacts. Just explain to them how to do it and ask them to help you. We are confident that with a pleasant and detailed request, they will help you.

6. Contact with other pages managers

Contact the managers of other pages is an acceptable option in the business world and the world of marketing. It is important to remember that your target audience a similar target audience of business manager of the page you turn to him. For example: If you have a flower shop for women in any particular city, you can contact the managers of the business page of businesses like gifts for women, women’s jewelry, women’s clothing, etc., and all this when your and their target audience is similar.

You can contact them and ask them to share your business page with their fans to join you and in return, you also submit their business page on your page.

7. Make excellent and unique content

Business pages are usually public, their default settings are also public posts. Therefore, everyone can see your posts, even if he is not a like the page. When they see interesting content they will join and select liked to be able to see your future publications.

Excellent content will also help to keep the people who have liked the business page. Also, those who liked can share with their friends and that you will have another option to join you, new friends.

8. Include in your page to the similar page suggestions

Similar page suggestions are the possibility to appear in other pages by the order of Facebook. Every business page in the sidebar, appear more pages people have liked. The condition is, if you want to appear on other business pages, you have to approve other business pages appear on your page.

To confirm or revoke this, you must access the page to your business, enter into business page settings, in the “general” tab under the heading “similar page suggestions” you can now select V If you are interested or off.

9. Invite of who are interested in the publications

One interested (yet not have liked the page) have liked one of your publications? Excellent! You can invite them to like the business page. Just click on their name, the panel that opens will show you the possibility to invite those who still do not have liked.

10. Sharing your page to private profile

Another way to offer your friends in a personal profile is to share your page or any post. Friends can see your post and ask them in the share message, “Join to our business page.”

You can also share interesting and important information to help your friends get into the business page and continue reading the post, and that would be another option they liked the page.

11. Request through your page fans

Make the most of your fans to bring more fans to the business. Quite simply, publish an interesting post and ask them to invite and recommend your page to their friends. This excellent to make them from fans to ambassadors.

12. Tagging people in posts

We do not like it, but it is also a possibility. When you publish a status, photo or video, you can tag people and friends post. Posts with tagging will usually appear on their personal profile, that depends on their privacy settings. Which can help bring more fans to your page. Took precautions, many people do not like when someone tags them and it creates a very bad situation.

13. Broadcast Facebook Live

If you publish or broadcast on Facebook live or Facebook live poll, you may appear on the Facebook live map, which can help you gain more exposure and thus enter the business page and like it.

14. Application of employees to add to your personal profile

Your company’s employees are on Facebook? It is timeת that they will announce that they are working in your business. This can help your page appear more, the exposure will increase and anyone who clicks on the job will come to your business page.

15. Add a signature to email

Add a link to your business Facebook page via email signature. Every time you or one of your employees are sending mail to customers, suppliers or others, they will be able to see, click and join your business page. Be sure to add a prominent link or image to make it possible to pay attention to the Facebook link.

16. Add to your website

Your website is a marketing channel himself, take your visitors on the site to offer them liking your business page on Facebook. You can do so by using a link or a plugin of the business page through which you can directly to like the page your site without having to enter to Facebook website.

17. Publishing in groups

While publishing in groups becomes like a billboard without any value. Users post messages there and do not look at all that no one is interested in reading or seeing it. But if you post correctly and in the right places, you will receive likes from members of the group to your business page.

18. Publishing in other business pages

When you manage or editor of the business page. You can post via your name or via the name of your business page in publications of other business pages. You can comment on pages posts and build the image of your brand. Recommended to build credibility and good relationships with other brands.

19. Add to other social media networks

If you manage more business pages in other social media networks, add a link there to your Facebook business page. Ask your fans to join your page. They can be places: Instagram, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn and more.

20. Add to office paperwork

You send letters, invoices, fax or other documents to customers, employees or other institutions? In addition to the logo and the phone, take all your paperwork in order to post your other networks, especially Facebook business page.

21. Add to business card

Business Card is an excellent tool for your sales agents or other executives, added the Facebook logo on business cards and whoever receives the card and will be able to join your page.

22. Note by the phone call or chat in site

Every conversation with new clients or interested in, even if you have not closed a deal, in end of the conversation ask them to join your business page. So that they can enjoy news and information, and you will earn new followers.

23. Online Documents

Documents such as a Word document, PowerPoint presentation, PDF, Excel document, infographic, etc. are excellent tools to publish and ask to join your business stand. These documents are designed to help your target audience to get information, but you can use it to your benefit.

24. Discounts or benefits

Promotions are a great way to get new followers. Of course, Facebook does not agree to the deal liking as a condition to enter the contest or benefit. It is also important to know if permitted to do so by law. If you are allowed, you can do it and gain more likes. While it will cost you a financial investment, but you will get from it.

25. Facebook Advertising

Another way to advertise your business page on Facebook. Today you can build several different campaigns to get more likes. One campaign is the campaign achieving business likes to page. Another campaign is promoting business page post, the post will also promote and try to earn likes too. Also, there are other campaigns.

What is the difference between the “Follow” and “Like”?

It is important to note that recently Facebook allows select “Follow” your page in addition to “Like”. Once your target audience clicks the “Like” button on your page, they automatically become even followers, unless they opted out from to follow. Conversely, if the target audience clicks on the “Follow”, they just follow you.

This change has several causes. When the main reason is:

  • Like – people who click “like” are your fans or your brand, and they automatically follow you and your publications. Your fans can be your customers, suppliers or others whose fans you. Also, those who have liked your page, your page will appear in his personal profile under “liked items.” Unless privacy settings were changed and not everyone can see the pages they have liked.
  • Follow – who clicked on the “Follow” is interested to see your publications mainly. They are not your fans or your brand, but only want to read your publications. Your page will not appear in the personal profile of the target audience.

How to see who is following you and who liked you?

First of all when you get “like” or “follow”, you are notified directly on the management of your business page. But if you are interested to know of one who likes or follows you, including their names, it does not matter if it’s a private profile or business page (yes, even business page can like another page, and it will appear on your page).

To see it, you must go to the Settings page >> tab “People and other pages”, where you can see all the people who like, everyone who follow, all pages have liked and people and pages are blocked. If you want to give someone a role, highlight it in V, click on the gear and defining a role. This way you can also remove someone from likes or even block it.

Why the numbers of followers and liked are not the same and how to calculate?

As we said before, not all must like your page, but only to”follow” and thus you will have one follow and zero fan. On the other hand, as soon as someone liked, he automatically becomes also a follower, then you will have one fan and one follower, but if he cancels “Follow” Then there will be a decrease of one follower.

  • Number of Likes in business page = all who have liked your page.
  • Number of Followers in business page = all who have liked your page -minus- anyone who stopped following you +Plus+ all those who choose just to follow you.


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