Organic SEO on Search Engine: What shouldn’t be done and why

Organic SEO or SEO, no matter how you call it, includes many things which should not be done to influence the ranking of your website in search engines and what should be avoided.

Organic SEO on the search engine for organizations and businesses, it is very important. If you think you can get the score 1 because someone promised you or in 7 days or the promise of one kind or another, you will need to know that this does not exist.

Search engines, particularly larger one: Google, are doing everything to provide the best user experience for the user, so it will provide the best result. There are various techniques to fool the search engines, once it worked… Today it is not working, and not only that it does not work, but it also can cause your site to be search engine at all.

The methods are prohibited:

Link Schemes

Links are still a significant part of search engine rankings. It’s good to get links to your site or give an outbound link from the site, but when it is done naturally, namely, if you leave it appropriate to provide additional value for your users and provide a link to an external site (that we do). The problem is when doing link schemes such as:

  • Buying and selling links that pass PageRank – including paying or another product.
  • Link Exchange – “link me and I’ll link to you”.
  • Automation – the use of software and services for creating links.
  • Text Links – full-text links with lots of keywords.
  • Links in widgets – for example, if you have a new site and you put Economy website widget with stock prices or currency prices and within the widget has a link.
  • Advertisements without a tag rel=”nofollow”
  • Advertising articles – provide links to manipulate PageRank.
  • Replies posts or forums.

Of course, there are other combinations, but most of these scams exist, are prohibited and may cause your site to drop out of the air indexed by search engines.

Automatically generated content

Content created by automation software. Normally it is created regardless of the sentences or between paragraphs. Your readers may not understand the text even though it includes keywords for searching. Here are some examples:

  • Text translated by automated tools (such as Google Translate, Bing Translate etc.) and not reviewed by a human editor.
  • Generated text from copying RSS other sites.
  • Generated text from synonyms keyword techniques.
  • Merge pages without adding value.

Automatic content is not good for your users, and it’s not really good for the search engines, therefore, be avoided.


Cloaking this when you present one content for users and other content for search engines and they two are not the same content. Cloaking is a violation of Google’s guidelines because it shows important content to search engines when users suffer. Common examples are:

  • Displays HTML text page for the search engines while showing users the same time an image or Flash.
  • Add text or keywords as search engine robot to enter and when the user enters.

If you are using different technologies like Javascript, Flash or other content made accessible to search engines and users simultaneously.

Sneaky redirects

This reference when the user is moved to a different address than he asked for. There are several reasons for redirects as 404 pages, moving from HTTP to HTTPS, and more. Like cloaking, this also violates Google guidelines. Examples:

  • Search engines receive one content and users are directed to other content.
  • Desktop computer users get different information from a user mobile devices such as a reference to the domain that contains spam.

Hidden text and links

Also, if you are not familiar with, it was (hoping that no longer exists). Hiding text or links in content to influence search engine rankings is considered a violation. Here are examples:

  • Using white text on a white background.
  • Set up font size “0”.
  • Using CSS to place text or a link outside of the screen.
  • A text behind an image.
  • Hide link one small character such as a hyphen – point. etc’.

Doorways pages

Doorways are sites or pages created in order to achieve a high ranking for specific keywords. This violates the user experience when there are several similar pages with the same goal. A few examples:

  • Having multiple domain names or multiple pages to specific areas.
  • Pages designed to lead to a relevant part of the site users.
  • Pages items without hierarchical navigation.

Scraped content

Scraped content from reputable assuming that the increasing volume of pages is a long-term strategy regardless of the relevance or uniqueness of content, can affect bad position on search engine. We also say it violates copyright. Here are some examples:

  • Sites that copy and republish without adding original content.
  • Sites that scrape content from other and modify it slightly.
  • Sites which provide content embedding video or other media without value.
  • Sites replicate content without providing a unique order or benefit.

Affiliate program

The recommendation is to establish sites with original content with added value for users. Other affiliate programs offer information and content like a description of the products or their benefits. Copying it and adding content to your website is not beneficial for you at all because you have not added value to content. for example:

  • Pages with affiliate links to products, with reviews and descriptions directly from the original merchants and no unique content.
  • Pages of the partners built their own partners and no original content or value to users.

If you use an affiliate program or another you need to add more content to the content of the partner will be the smallest. You need to understand why the user will choose to enter your website instead of the original manufacturer.

Keyword stuffing

Method or practice to affect ranking in search results of search engines. It makes more poor user experience and the rating assigned the site. Examples:

  • Numbers no significant value.
  • Text lists a number of countries or cities to get a better ranking.
  • Repeating words or phrases not naturally.

Pages with malicious behavior

Changing the content on unexpectedly, download or run files on a computer without authorization, or other behavior. Remember that Google not only ranks the results but also protects users. Examples of these behaviors:

  • Relocate the content or effect of influencing the content of some other operation.
  • Pop-up, changing ads or different software.
  • Attachment unwanted files as a part of the download.
  • Other malware, spyware, and viruses.
  • Changes without user consent.

Spam by users

Spam can be created by users, such as adding new pages or other content. Examples are:

  • Spam accounts on websites with free service.
  • Spam on forums.
  • Spam in comments on blogs.

These are the methods of influence on ranking sites in search engines. Today’s search engines much more intelligent, all the technique and method or another to affect a site’s ranking is not natural, can be bad for you and remove your site from search engines. Netolink SEO helps your organization to perform high results with hard work and high quality.

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