SEO For Beginners – Do It Yourself Guide

Many businesses and organizations are trying to market themselves in many ways because not everyone has the ability to market themselves and invest money, we have prepared a guide SEO for beginners. The guide will help you understand the unique marketing channel and how you can start your own website to promote your business before choosing an SEO firm.

What is important to know SEO Do it yourself is not easy, requires a lot of time, patience, effort and a lot of work, and even then, not sure you will achieve your goals. But certainly you can start the initial phase, in case you will need to contact experts in the field, you can always turn to.

SEO for Beginners Guide will provide you (businesses and organizations) initial information and tools so that you can promote yourself on Google, Bing and other search engines. If you want to know, you can read the article: How SEO can help your business we have prepared for you. We will try in this to write in a comfortable and pleasant language so that you can understand. let’s start.

Is the search engines know your site?

Do you open a website? Do you have a website? Excellent! It’s time to know whether the search engines Google, Bing, Yandex, Yahoo and more familiar with it at all. Ie whether your site is already indexed by search engines and whether you can be found with the search. Recall, the index in the search engine is the second part of the search engines function, when the first job is to scan, the second is to index and third to rank.

Search engines crawl and add to their index all sites unless you’ve blocked it, you recognize it at first. One of the simplest ways to know whether your site is indexed by search engines is to use function site: and your domain. For example, if we want to check on our website we will do it by function:, search engines will display the number of results that are in their index.

It is important to note that the results are accurate definitely (yes, you read that correctly), but for the purpose of this simple example this how to check. Below are screenshots on Google, Bing and Yandex:

As you can see, right this moment, the results are:

  • Google index has 125 pages from our site.
  • Bing Index has 136 pages from our site.
  • Yandex index has 84 pages from our site.

Are There Any Pages or Areas that Are Blocked from Crawl by Search Engines?

As you have seen before, different results from different search engines, one reason may be that there are pages search engine we did not let them enter and thus the search engine can not crawl nor indexes it. Of course, there are more other reasons. To check which blocked pages crawled by the search engines have to check the robots.txt file in the library folder of your website. Rule add this extension to your domain and tap it in the web browser, for example for our site we are using

Since it looks like this:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

The first row refers to robot crawling search engines, as great an asterisk (*) means an order to all the scanners. The following lines tell crawlers what they can do and what not. So the site does not allow to scan the folder admin panel but also allows file in this directory. (Of course, it is important to block your admin panel to prevent hacking site).

According to the file appears to be no blockage of any important pages so it’s great, so you allow search engines to crawl your site the most.

Keywords Research and Phrases

All start of work on the SEO should start researching keywords and phrases. You have to know which keywords characterize your business and your products or services, as well as what keywords your competitors use, and of course which keywords your target audience use to find products and services like yours.

The reason is simple. It all starts searching as soon as your potential customer types in the relevant keyword search engine, the search engine knows to rank sites according to the order that best suits his search.

Keywords can be started from one word to the number of words it has been called a phrase. You should know what keywords are right for you and which are not. For example, if you have a business of dog food store, you can use keywords: dog food, dog food + a certain area, Bulldog food, dog food store. But surely you can not use keywords such as food, shop, dogs shop, and other.

You must register all relevant keywords for you, and you can manage them using an Excel file on your computer, Google Spreadsheets, or similar software to do so.

Manage Your Search Engine Placement

Further research keywords, it is also important to manage your positions in search engines over time. Ie you know which keywords you are, if you are in so what the resulting number. Also, whether your rankings increased or decreased by the time.

There are many tools you can manage and know about where you are. There are programs that can be downloaded to a computer, and there are internet applications that can be done. Many tools can be like SERPLab, SemRush, Rank Tracker and more.

SEO for Beginners, you can use SERPLab, is a free program (in English) and you can check your location and your competitors, and obviously manage your positions and follow another day. To enter the site type your browser, then register, launch a campaign (your web site), add keywords and that’s it. You can manage it. If you do not wish to register, or you want to check what is in a particular location, click on “Free SERP check” on their main page.

Writing Quality Content for Your Site

As we wrote in our article on 10 projections and expected changes in SEO in 2017, it is important to create quality content for both users and search engines. You do not need to publish articles for the search engines, they themselves do not like the idea of the reason that generated content for search engines generally not friendly for users, the users are your potential customers.

Content is the sequel to your keywords, you must provide content with relevant keywords to your search engines will be able to link and display those users who are looking for information. If you do not have content yet for a keyword, you must create now. We didn’t just write on the top SEO Do it yourself, you must make important and interesting content, of course, avoid short text as 50-100 words and try to at least 300 words article (if you use WordPress, you can see the number at the end of the content entry area).

Search engines love websites that are updated, as new content created can be indexed. Also, they do not really like websites frozen, do not produce content. Actually… content writing work is not easy work, and it is always necessary. Avoid copying the content or creating duplicate content, which violates search engine guidelines.

External / Backlinks Building

Links are still a very important parameter in the search engines because of your website links, search engines show that your site is important and interesting. Of course do not get links from spam websites, we talk about links from quality sites. It is difficult to get links organically, ie without involvement, but there are many ways to get backlinks.

  • Signing up portals and sites indexes.
  • Adding articles and information on other sites, for example, article sites and others. Check the site quality and not spam.
  • Publishing in communities in the area of your business.
  • Opening accounts and some social networking, favorites sites, and publishing them.

Optimizing the Website for Mobile and Tablet

Mobile site adjustment more related to web development and design, but it is very important to optimize the site for mobile and tablets. Google said that adjusted for mobile websites that are not rated as good from a search on mobile devices, and thus began to fight with sites that display user experience.

In addition, we said that it is important to have content for users and search engines alike, so no mobile optimized sites, presenting an unpleasant experience for readers. And that they also abandon your site. Moreover, there are studies that show that users entering the sites that are not optimized, do not want to buy their products or services.

Establishing a presence on social networks

Almost everyone has an account in one of the major social networks, particularly Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +. Therefore we must not ignore them, while you want to get access via search engines, it is important not to put all eggs in one basket and invest in social networks and get traffic from your site.

Building links with social networks do not really help you because most of the links are nofollow, meaning they tell search engines not to follow the link and that they do not recommend the link itself. But it is still important to get traffic continue to SEO for beginners.


So Do It Yourself Guide to SEO for Beginners at the end. Briefly, summarize important to understand what we talked about earlier. First of all, it is important to know if your site allows search engines to crawl your site, then there is to know whether the search engine indexes your site and articles. To continue, you need to create a keyword list and publish quality articles on your site, it should also be adapted to all devices. Established a presence in social networks and links built by these websites and networks.

If you need help or promoting your site, you can enter our SEO page and leave details on the side (on a standard computer) or Mobile (below the article).

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