Whois Lookup – Check Domain Name information
Want to check domain ownership? Get information on domain validity or is it available? Netolink’s Whois lookup tool helps you get it for free.
Very simple, enter the domain name including the extension.
What is Whois?
Whois (consisting of Who Is) is a protocol that allows you to submit a query and receive information about certain details and data such as a domain, IP address and the like.
In the case of domains, Whois is a tool that allows you to locate details of a domain (domain name). Basically, you can get information about domain ownership, who owns it, who is its administrator, registrar name, registry name, what is the domain validity (expiration date), information about DNS servers and other important details.
The query is displayed in the English language from the registry database by country type and domain extension type.
Explanation of domain information
You were looking for domain information and now you need an explanation? Here are the explanations:
- Description – the details of ownership of the domain (domain holder) and are the name of the holder, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
- Name Server – the DNS server through which the domain is managed and usually it belongs to the storage company.
- Validity – the validity of the domain, the expiration date after which the domain will become a domain in the process of deletion.
- DNSSEC – a layer of protection and security on the domain that prevents impersonation. There is an explanation of whether the domain is digitally signed or not.
- Status – an explanation of whether the domain is locked for transfer or not.
- Registrar – details of the registrar (the company where the domain is registered).
- Registry – Sometimes it is possible to know who the registry is (the organization responsible for registering domain names).
In one or another international domain, the settings are slightly different, but there is always information about the registrar name, DNS servers and domain validity. In different domains in the world, it is possible to hide the details of the holder and owner of the domain.
Why is Whois important?
Whois tools are very important on various topics. Here they are:
- It is possible to verify that the domain registration was successfully performed in the name of the applicant.
- You can find out if DNS changes have already been made as server changes.
- Check Domain availability.
- Checking the domain status, to find out if it can be transferred from a registrar to another registrar, or from person to person.
- Getting information about the domain holder for networking.
- Checking the validity of a domain, when the domain is about to expire.