Organic Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Advertising – What really better for you? What should I start? What are the main differences between them?
Upon arrival choose organic Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Advertising you should know a few important things: what is similar between them? The important differences between the two marketing channels, where should I start, what tools you need it, and even whether to combine these two channels simultaneously. There are many opinions on the subject, but we want to make you order once and forever. It should be noted that advertising is not just on search engines but also social networks, and more, in this article we will talk about search engines advertising and not other locations.
Organic SEO – It’s all marketing activities which optimize of your website or landing page for a search engine to help search engines find and identify the site faster and better, appear on search engines indexes and rank on higher results and most relevant for the business or your brand. Activities include a number of things such as improving site speed, changing the site code, user experience, building links and more.
Search Engine Advertising – It’s all marketing activities in which advertise in search engines, social networks, and other locations, to help the ad to appear in the best and relevant for the target audience of the ad and realize the objectives of the ad. Activities include a number of things such as campaign and ad settings, ad creative, connect with a landing page and more.
What tools to have success?
What needs for SEO and for advertising in order to invest in these marketing channels? Here are the main tools.
Organic SEO – to invest in this marketing channel, you must be the owner of the target audience, active website or active landing page, domain (should be yours), web hosting, and of course information and content, including images and videos.
Search Engines Advertising – compared to SEO, to invest in the marketing channel that you must be the owner of the target audience, landing page, ad creatives, content (image, video, etc.), storage of the landing page itself and call to action button.
Website or landing page
The website is the address of your business or organization and is intended among other things to serve the needs of your business and the marketing efforts. Website more suitable for SEO solution and less for advertising. Landing page (or a page designation) is actually selling page when its main purpose is to make a deal with your target audience and therefore is more suitable for advertising solution. You can also promote and optimize a landing page unless this is a page with limited time offer.
What are the main locations of marketing channels?
The main location of organic SEO is search engine organic results (non-sponsored) when it comes to 10 results per page search page. The main location is advertising funded search results above, below or at the side of the non-sponsored results.
One-time or ongoing
It is important to know if the solution is a one-time or ongoing, namely whether to invest the budget and the time in one-time or ongoing?
Organic SEO is a continuous solution for the main reason that it never ends and there is always work to improve and achieve better results. While sponsored advertising on search engines is also an ongoing solution, but when it comes to campaign, the campaign itself is a one-time limited. When the campaign reaches its designation it is complete, you can start a new campaign with slightly different goals.
Goals and Objectives
The main goals and objectives of SEO are bringing more traffic to a site and be ranked higher results. However, the main objective of promoted ad is to help to sell more or make the target audience to leave contact information.
Time of results – short term or long term
Objectives and results of the SEO and search engine advertising entirely different, once we have said about this before and the website or landing page.
In terms of time, the outcome of Search Engine Optimization is a long term, very difficult to get results in the immediate future. Unless this is the easy competition or lack of competition. However, advertising on search engines is a short term, to get sales and bids immediately.
Prices and Costs
Prices and costs depend on several things when the most important are: Competition and scope of work. As the competition is greater, the harder it is to work and therefore need to invest more resources in order to achieve a good result. Also, as a greater volume of work, it’s a need of more time to invest and therefore more expensive cost.
Where should you start?
After we explained to you what is similar and what is different now you must decide whether organic SEO or advertising on search engines or even both. Sure you want to ask what we offer you? The logical answer is both, but our answer is: What is your business goals? What is important to you right now? If both are important then it is also our answer.