If you pay hundreds of dollars a month for web hosting services, you should be familiar with Cloudways cloud storage service. The most advanced technology in the world is available to everyone.
Everything you must know. Of course, you can sign up for the service and also get a discount at . Enter the coupon code CLOUDONE and get a 25% discount for 3 months!
What is Cloudways?
Cloudways is an international company that provides cloud web hosting management services (cloud storage). That is, the company offers services that allow developers, website owners, and business owners to set up a website on top of the most advanced hosting services in the world in a more convenient way.
A cloud storage service is a service that enables file storage and the establishment of infrastructure on cloud computing servers. That is, it is a service that allows you to store your website, blog, or e-commerce store on top of the world’s most advanced infrastructure.
Remember, there are several web hosting services:
- Shared hosting – the cheapest and simplest service. All the different sites are on the same server and use the same resources. Attacking one site can harm other sites.
- Private Virtual Server (VPS) – A web hosting service based on a dedicated server, you can get resources and data and work with them. It is a more advanced service than the shared.
- Dedicated server – a service that offers you your own server. You are the tenants of the dedicated server, get all the tools, and maintain everything on your own. This is one of the most expensive services.
- Cloud storage – a storage service that is located across several different servers, and capacity and services can be rented according to usage. You are the owner of the service, get tools, and have to maintain everything yourself.
One of the problems of cloud storage is that it is especially suitable for programmers and those who have knowledge in development and establishment environments. Cloudways combines all of these and enables the establishment and management of websites and applications in a better way, even for those who have not completed software studies.
Why Cloudways?
There are some important advantages to why you should also choose the company’s services:
- Favorable Prices – Unlike shared web hosting services or VPS, you can purchase the most advanced cloud storage service in the world starting at $ 10 per month.
- User-friendly experience – it is easy to manage the sites and applications in their service with a simple and convenient control panel.
- 24/7/365 customer service – You have availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. In the morning, in the evening at noon, there is always customer service.
- Automatic backups – Unlike other services, here you can definitely back up your sites automatically at no extra charge.
- Real-time server monitoring – you can automatically receive information 24/7 about server load, traffic, and other analytical tools. You can also receive automatic alerts.
- Variety of applications (and unlimited) – You can install WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and other tools. This is of course without any restriction.
- Automation – Most actions are done automatically, without the need to perform an action on your part.
- Increased security – the tool offers increased security service and protection against bots and tools that harm the site’s performance and level of security.
- Free security certificates – You can easily install free security certificates like Let’s encrypt and without any technical knowledge.
- Cheap CDN – You can purchase content distribution network services that help streamline the presentation of information based on user location.
- Guides – There are guides on the company’s website, but we are also going to write a lot of articles about the service.
- Selection of server locations – You can select servers according to the type of sites you want to set up, based on proximity and geographical location.
- Selection of suppliers – the company works with 5 providers of cloud storage services (the largest in the world).
- Easily migrate websites – You can easily move a website from an existing hosting service to Cloudways.
The company works with the following suppliers:
- Amazon Web Services – AWS.
- Google Cloud.
- Digital Ocean.
- Linode.
- Vultr.
How to open an account?
To open an account, go to and then click “Get Started”. Then you need to sign up with your account information.
Next, you need to choose the cloud service provider from the 5, including the right package for you. The cheapest service is $ 10 per month with the Digital Ocean server.
Welcome! You have joined the company. We can now provide you with tutorials on how to set up a WordPress site, or a blog, and more.
Cloudways Guides
- How to open a new WordPress site within the system.
- How to move a WordPress site from another hosting service to Cloudways.
- How to move sites between servers.
- How to switch from HTTPS to HTTPS in Cloudways.
- How to redirect a domain to the servers.
- And more…
We plan to create these guides soon. Until then, you can access the help page on the Cloudways website here.