A high-speed Web site is not only designed for Google, so that the site will be promoted higher relative to competitors, but also for additional purposes and are even more important. A fast website is more important for you and your customers, and only then search engines and social networking sites.
As a business owners, you must remember that your website is designed to realize the purpose for which it was established: to promote your products in an e-commerce store, to distribute content and bring additional surfers to the site, to present the services you offer and to allow the customer to request a price quote or for any other purpose.
Why is a quick website important?
According to various studies and among Google, here’s what you need to know:
- 47% of consumers expect the site to be loaded within 2 seconds.
- A half-second slowdown in speed causes a 20% drop in the number of entrances to the site.
- 53% of consumers abandon a site that has been loaded for over 3 seconds.
- 79% of consumers said they would not buy again from a site that suffers from performance problems and slow speed.
- Of course, there are other studies and data that prove that site speed has a significant impact on the percentage of abandonment.
- Although these numbers speak of studies and data collected, it is important to note a few more things. First and foremost, the website is your face and site speed is the first impression given to your customer.
Therefore, if the site is loaded partially or slowly, customers will not be able to access the information they requested and as a result they will leave the site. This first impression will accompany them in the future, and this has critical business implications.
In addition, search engines such as Google, Bing and others rank websites, when one of the indicators is a website speed – so that the site’s appearance in the search results will be significantly affected.
If that’s not enough, then if you’re advertising on search engines or social networks, know that site speed has become a factor in checking the site’s reliability. Which means that site speed has an impact where and how your ad is shown and of course, it has an impact on CPC.
Site Speed Test – What affects speed
Well, before we show you the tools to test site speed. There are a few things you need to know when testing them, or rather, what exactly affects site speed.
- Server – A server where your website is located has a significant impact on the speed of your site. For example, the server’s geographic location, the server’s hardware quality, and the quality of the software installed on the server are significant.
- Hosting – In addition to the server, the storage method also affects whether it is about shared hosting, VPS and so on. The better the hosting, the faster the sites run.
- Code structure and quality – The programming language in which the site is written affects the speed of the site. The more clean the site code and weigh less, the faster it will be..
- The number of requests / elements – the more extensions, functions, connections to external interfaces, and more requests, the slower the site will be, since in order for the site to rise, it is required to wait for an answer from requests from these services.
- The amount of media – the amount of images and videos on the site and their weight, affect how the site loads so that the more the image weighs, the longer the browser needs to load it. This has several solutions: reducing the amount of media, reducing image resolution and reducing the weight of images with tools that reduce the weight.
- Cache – When you enter a certain site and then enter the same page again, it loads faster – this is the cache memory mechanism. In fact, it is about saving files through your browser on your computer, the browser don’t ask the files again from the server, but uses what is stored in memory. It is important to allow such memory on the site, so that it will allow faster browsing.
- And a host of other factors.
- Of course, the Internet speed of the user itself affects, so that a customer with low Internet speed or whose Internet volume has exceeded the quota may experience difficulty connecting to the site.
Site Speed Test Tools
Tools to allow you to make website speed test
1. PageSpeed Insights
This is one of the most popular tools, and is Google’s own company. The tool provides information about the speed of your site (for a desktop computer and a mobile device), what problems the site has, which tests have passed correctly, and more. With Google’s tool, you can see some key speed metrics:
- First Contentful Paint (FCP) – the time when the first text or images are displayed.
- Speed Index – Speed Index shows how quickly the contents of a page are visibly populated.
- Time to Interactive (TTI) – The time when the page becomes completely interactive, one that you can work with.
2. Test My Mobile Site
Another tool created by Google, which allows checking the speed of loading the site on mobile devices. The tool presents in a different way the problems that exist on the site when surfing the mobile phone.
3. Pingdom
A great tool that allows you to see the speed of your site. The tool displays in a different way than Google the speed of your site, the page weight in kilobytes / megabytes, the number of server requests, the time of loading the site and more.
The site presents a breakdown of the information according to the type of content found on the site, by content weight, by domain, and a description according to the manner of the requests in chronological order.
4. WebPageTest
Another tool that checks the speed of a website and displays a “waterfall” that allows to receive the order of requests in chronological order, information by content type, content weight, number of requests, domains, screenshots and more.
5. GTmetrix
Another nice tool is possible to see the speed of your site. The tool uses Google’s tool data and additional YSlow tools and displays the notes according to these tools together. You can also see screenshots, video and some interesting things.
How do I deal with problems and problems on the site?
These tools present the problems on the site and even offer you solutions. However, these solutions are intended for professionals – programmers / web developers. As a general rule, you should contact a professional in order to help you with the issue and ensure the efficiency of your site.
Most of these problems pertain not only to the development of the site, but also to the search engine optimization, sponsored advertising and more. For this purpose, we have several departments that take care of each of its own affairs and thus we can give you a 360 degree solution.
By the way, if you do not have a website, you will want to upgrade it, or switch on the basis of our new service, or solve the problems on the site, you can leave details on the form below.